Women Yeast Infection Home Remedy

With a lot of side effects associated with over the counter anti fungal drugs more women are looking for alternative yeast infection remedy. You're about to learn a simple an affordable vaginal yeast infection home remedy. A primary benefit of using the yeast infection home remedy is, the Candida yeast living in a vagina can't become resistant like they can to an anti fungal treatment.

Vaginal Yeast Infection.

Vaginal yeast infection is caused by a bacterial imbalance inside of the vagina. When you use an anti fungal cream this balance is made worse instead of better. This is one of the reasons many women start to suffer from recurrent yeast infections. An anti fungal cream or suppository will just kill the fungus in the vagina, and it will do nothing to rebalance the bacteria.

Vaginal yeast infection occurs because the friendly bacteria can't do its job properly as the mutated Candida yeast out numbers it. The only way to cure vaginal yeast infection is to re-establish the friendly bacteria in the vagina, and that is what you're about to learn how to do.

Vaginal Yeast Infection Home Remedy.

Vaginal yeast infection home remedy is a natural live yogurt that yeast infection can't build any resistance to. All you need to do is dip a tampon into the yogurt, then insert the tampon as you would do normally. Leave it in for an hour or two then remove it. The coolness of the yogurt will help relieve you of the itching and burning, and you just need to re-apply the yogurt and tampon morning and evening. Try this for about a week and then see if you are cured.

It's important that the yogurt you purchase is a live yogurt that doesn't contain any sugar. A yogurt that contains sugar will just feed the Candida yeast, and vaginal yeast infection could get worse. The friendly bacteria in the live yogurt live naturally inside of the vagina, and this is the reason why the Candida won't build up a resistance to it.

It can get a bit messy with the dipping and inserting but this home remedy for vaginal yeast infection has no side effects, and a lot cheaper than an over the counter anti fungal cream.

Get to know more about women yeast infection home remedy