Women Yeast Infection Home Remedy Diet

There are many foods that can cause the yeast and in most cases worsen it. Yes, it's food that can initially create the conditions for the yeast infection. The trick is to find out what foods are the culprits in helping the yeast to grow and avoid them as much as possible to help you reduce and cure the yeast infection eventually.

For an effective yeast infection home remedy diet, here are some of those food items you should steer clear of:

This is the biggest enemy to your health. You should avoid sugar in any form. Now, remember, a lot of foods that contain sugar, don't always list the word "sugar" in the ingredients. Sugar is also known as glucose, syrup, molasses, rice syrup, sorghum and monosaccharides. Look for these words in the foods you buy.

Fruits That Contain Natural Sugars
Normally, you're told that fruit is a healthy food option to eat, but in the case of Candida, you will want to avoid those that contain natural sugars. Be sure to stay away from frozen fruit, canned fruit, orange juice and even melons. These can initiate the overgrowth process quite easily.

Now that you're trying to avoid a yeast infection condition, you should eliminate yeast from your diet. Yeast is seen in many different foods. Those you typically see with yeast in them are breads, crackers, pastries, rolls and even muffins. Alcohol is also something you should avoid, because it contains some sugars that create this yeast.

Aged and Processed Cheeses
Even some of the cheeses can be harmful for this condition. Some of the more common cheeses people tend to buy that actually should be avoided are cheez whiz, Velveeta, cheese snacks, and cheese slices.

Dried, Smoked And Pickled Meats
These meats would be your processed bologna, sausages, smoked fish, bacon and corned beef. These meats contain nitrates that are unhealthy for you.

There are many more foods that should be avoided for your Candida diet to help you reduce sugar cravings, but these will give you an idea of how to get started on your yeast infection home remedy diet.

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