Men Yeast Infection Home Remedy Diet

There are quite a few things that can cause yeast infection. Here are just some of the most likely: a compromised immune system, antibiotics, diabetes, steroids, poor nutrition, poor general health, weight and stress.

So you can see that your diet plays a big part in setting the conditions for yeast infection and, equally, to help eliminate your yeast infection. Your diet affects your health, your weight position, your immune system and so many other things that can influence your infection.

Here is a list of foods to reduce or eliminate from your yeast infection home remedy diet recipes...
1 - Yeast products such as bakery products, baker's yeast, brewer's yeast, crisps, gravy mixes, marmite, etc.

2 - White flour products, e.g. bread, biscuits, cereal, pasta, cakes, etc.

3 - Sugars that feed the yeast infection, including refined sugar, molasses, syrup, etc.

4 - Things like mushrooms, mouldy cheese, etc. which are, or, contain fungi.

5 - Prepacked and cured meats like bacon and kippers.

6 - Pickled foods like soy sauce, vinegar, pickled onions and other pickled vegetables.

And a word about fruit. There is a debate about whether fruit should be part of yeast infection home remedy diet recipes as they contain sugar. But fresh fruits are essential for your health and immune system. So you should continue to eat fresh fruit. However, you should eliminate canned, frozen and fruit juices.

In addition to that, here is a 5-step method that supplements the yeast infection home remedy diet.

1. Using Tree Tea Oil
You have to do combine the TTO with alcohol after that keep it in a dropper. You also might enter into a number of droppers up with this tea tree oil and alcohol mixed solution and keep them on hands. And then use the mixture everyday without fail for a week; you can be able to apply to your penis using this mixed solution

2. Avoiding scented soaps

3. Sleeping with no underwear (air out the infection)

4. Avoid antibacterial soaps

5. Stop taking antibiotics as soon as possible

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